Friday, June 26, 2009

My Dad

In May he was diagnosed with Cancer again he beat it the fist time it was blood now it is Lung it is taking a toll on him they have done 10 day's 2 times a day of Radiation treatments and 3 Chemo and then he got a fever on Monday and was not doing good when we went for his second treatment so they took blood and his platelets were very low so they kept him and stopped all treatments for now. He got to come home on Thurs and is doing much better and we will know Monday if they are going to start treatments again he so wants to go back home again I know it is so hard for him to have to live with us but they are not any trouble what ever it takes to get him well again. I know he is strong and he will beat it again it just will take lots of prayers. We have so many family and friends love and support it is a great feeling to have so much love thank you everyone we love you and want you to know how much it means to us to have you in our lives.

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