Friday, November 5, 2010

Just a few photos.


Sorry I have not kept up with this I am a slacker I have been very busy with my vinyl business and loving it. News: Going to be a grandma again in about 7 weeks it is another girl we are so excited her name is Emeri. Life has been good just a few health prob but nothing we cant work thru Carl has some health issues they are trying to find out what is going on many test no fun but he is strong and a trooper thur it all. I see the last time I posted something was when my dad was doing good well I am sure you all know how that went he passed away in Feb we miss him so much but he was in a lot of pain and he is not anymore I want to thank all for the love and support thru all our hard times as you know it only makes us stronger. Well time to get my butt to work for now.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Both Dad's Cancer treatments comming to a end

Carls Dad is done with his treatments and doing well and my Dad is done with his Chemo and doing good and then he will have 10 - 15 Radaiton treatments to the brain in Sep to make sure it has not gone to the brain which is a good thing. Wow what a summer it has been a lot of up's and down's I hope it has come to and end and we can get back to our lives and enjoy the rest of the summer. We have only got to go camping 2 times this year I hope to do more and enjoy.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wow my baby is moved out into his own house.

Randy finally move into his new house today it was a great day but a sad day. Now we are I guess you could call us empty nesters. We are going to enjoy this big house all to ourself. I am sure we will see him a lot he only moved a mile away and he loves mom's cooking. I feel really old now mabey we need to get a new house a smaller one so it is not so big to take care of or mabey not I like to have the extra room just in case mom and dad or my brother or other family and friends come from out of Town they have a nice place to stay. Oh and did I mention I have the best scrapbooking room ever I can just excape downstairs and scrapbook or play with my Cricut cutter. But I am so ready to go Camping and fishing we need to take our trailer out and use it this year we did not get to use it much last year so we need to make up for it after we get both of our fathers Cancer taken care of oh ya Carls dad started treatment for his on Monday and is doing good he has 36 days of Radiation strait and that is it for him we hope so we have had our fill of Cancer.

My Dad

In May he was diagnosed with Cancer again he beat it the fist time it was blood now it is Lung it is taking a toll on him they have done 10 day's 2 times a day of Radiation treatments and 3 Chemo and then he got a fever on Monday and was not doing good when we went for his second treatment so they took blood and his platelets were very low so they kept him and stopped all treatments for now. He got to come home on Thurs and is doing much better and we will know Monday if they are going to start treatments again he so wants to go back home again I know it is so hard for him to have to live with us but they are not any trouble what ever it takes to get him well again. I know he is strong and he will beat it again it just will take lots of prayers. We have so many family and friends love and support it is a great feeling to have so much love thank you everyone we love you and want you to know how much it means to us to have you in our lives.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Madi's New chair

She loves her new chair she thinks she is so big when she sit and reads in it.

We had to wait for the weather to get better and thankfuly it did.